Princess Cruise Ship Experience

Princess Cruise Ship Experience

Princess Cruise Ship Experience


Image from the internet


Princess Cruises

Project tyoe

Hospitality, interior design

project timeline


Project Overview

"Sphere" is the new prototype ship that Princess Cruises is launching in 2023. During my time at the Johnson Studio of Cooper Carry. I led the interior design and building technology focused efforts to bring a better vacation experience to customers. This project spans from concept to mockups for cruise ship interior includes 5 retail stores (8,000sqft) such as fashion, cosmetics, jewelry, themed merchandise; 1 international cafe for the whole ship (25,000sqft);3 fine dinning restaurant(3,000sqft each) and 2 outdoor dinning space (5,300sqft each).

Design processes

Unified Visioning: Commencing with a joint visioning session involving designers, marine engineers, program managers, and shop managers to establish shared project goals.

Cross-disciplinary Ideation: Collaborative ideation sessions integrate designer creativity with maritime engineering insights, ensuring both aesthetics and functionality are considered. Program and shop managers contribute to operational and retail feasibility.

Iterative Prototyping: Continuous iteration involves developing prototypes and conducting tests, incorporating feedback from all stakeholders. This process refines both the visual and functional aspects of the maritime hospitality space.

Design Reviews: Regular design reviews bring together diverse expertise—marine engineers for structure, program managers for operations, and shop managers for retail and dining considerations. This ensures a comprehensive and well-informed design evolution.

User-Centric Refinement: User feedback, gathered through surveys and testing, is iteratively integrated to enhance the overall experience, aligning the design with traveler expectations.

Continuous Collaboration: Ongoing collaboration throughout the design process between designers, marine engineers, program managers, and shop managers ensures alignment with both creative vision and practical maritime requirements.

Adaptable Problem-Solving: The iterative nature allows for adaptability to constraints, addressing challenges efficiently, whether spatial limitations or unforeseen obstacles.

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Design challenges

Seamless Integration: Harmonizing shopping, art galleries, and fine dining within the confined space of a sea vessel, ensuring a cohesive and integrated experience.

Navigational Flow: Crafting a fluid and intuitive layout that facilitates easy navigation for travelers amidst the various elements, optimizing the use of limited space.

Personalized Engagement: Implementing technology and design features that allow for personalized experiences, catering to the unique preferences and interests of individual travelers.

Seafaring Challenges: Addressing logistical challenges specific to the maritime environment, such as potential sea movements and spatial constraints, to enhance overall safety and comfort.

Image from design agency standard architects

Image from design agency standard architects

Image from design agency standard architects

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Image from design agency Cooper carry

Project outcomes

Adaptive Design: Demonstrated adaptability to evolving client needs through collaborative efforts and iterative design processes. The design seamlessly evolved based on continuous collaboration, ensuring it remained responsive to changing requirements.

Positive Cruise Reception: The implemented design garnered positive feedback and reviews from cruisers. The ship's hospitality space, born from collaborative design and iterative refinement, created an immersive and welcoming environment, enhancing the overall sea travel experience.

Blueprint for Future Ships: The successful prototype serves as a blueprint for future ships, providing a foundation for replicable and scalable maritime hospitality spaces that prioritize both aesthetics and functionality.